Storage and Operating Conditions
Suppression Components
Board Components
EMI Suppression Beads | 1 & 3 |
Beads on Leads | 4 |
PC Beads | 4 |
Wound Beads | 4 |
SM Beads (differential) | 4 |
SM Beads (common) | 4 |
Multi Aperture | 1 & 3 |
Chip | 5 |
Flex Sheets | 6 |
Cable Components
Round Cable EMI Suppression Cores | 1 & 3 |
Round Cable Snap-It™ | 2 |
Flat Cable EMI Suppression Cores | 1 |
Flat Cable Snap-It™ | 2 |
Connector Plates | 1 |
Miscellaneous | 1 & 3 |
Flat Cable Core Clips | N/A |
Power and Inductive
Closed Magnetic Circuit
Toroids | 7 & 8 |
Pot Cores | 7 |
E Cores | 7 |
EFD Cores | 7 |
ETD Cores | 7 |
EER Cores | 7 |
Planar Cores | 7 |
PQ Cores | 7 |
RM Cores | 7 |
U Cores | 7 |
Open Magnetic Circuit
Rods | 7 & 8 |
Antenna Rods | 7 & 8 |
Bobbins | 7 & 8 |
Ferrites cores are very robust when it comes to temperature, they cannot “physically” be changed unless the temperature goes above 1000ºC, they however can crack with fast temperature changes ( > 1ºC/sec.) : “Thermal Shock”. Curie temperature is a material specific characteristic, above which the ferrite loses its magnetic properties, once the temperature returns to below Curie the magnetic properties return.
1) For Suppression components that do not have plastic cases, coatings or conductors:
Storage Temperature: -55º to +125ºC
Operating Temperature: -55º to +125ºC. performance typically derates per the material specific Impedance vs. Temperature curves.
2) For Suppression components associated with plastic cases:
Storage Temperature:0º to +85ºC
Operating Temperature: 0º to +85ºC performance typically derates per the material specific Impedance vs. Temperature curves. The constraint is the plastic cases, above +85ºC the plastic softens and can deform, below 0ºC. the plastic can become brittle and crack when opened and closed.
3) For Suppression components with conformal coatings:
Storage Temperature: -55º to +90ºC
Operating Temperature: -55º to +90ºC performance typically derates per the material specific Impedance vs. Temperature curves. For thermo-set plastic coating (green or white) above +105ºC the coating softens and can becomes tacky. For Parylene coating (transparent) the suggested operating temperature range is -55º to +90ºC
4) For Suppression components with conductors:
Storage Temperature: -55º to +125ºC, RH < 55%; solderability may deteriorate over time depending upon actual storage/use conditions (-10º to +40ºC is recommended temperature range for maximizing shelf life). Product older than 24 months from manufacture date or last reinspection date may likely have acceptable solderability performance. If needed, solderability can be reevaluated and certified for an additional 24 months by Fair-Rite.
Operating Temperature: -55º to +125ºC. performance typically derates per the material specific Impedance vs. Temperature curves. For the unisulated conductors as supplied by Fair-Rite there is no further constraint, for customer supplied conductors the operating constraint is dependent on the wire insulation temperature rating.
5) For Multi Layer Chip Beads:
Storage Temperature: -55º to +125ºC, RH < 55%; solderability may deteriorate over time depending upon actual storage/use conditions (-10º to +40ºC is recommended temperature range for maximizing shelf life). Product older than 24 months from manufacture date or last reinspection date may likely have acceptable solderability performance. If needed, solderability can be reevaluated and certified for an additional 24 months by Fair-Rite.
Operating Temperature: -55º to +125ºC.
6) For Flexible Ferrite Sheets :
Storage Temperature: -40º to +85ºC
Operating Temperature: -40º to +85ºC performance typically derates per the material specific Permeability vs. Temperature curves. The constraint is the PET film and Adhesive Tape layers
7) For Inductive and Power components that do not have coatings or conductors :
Storage Temperature : -55º to +125ºC
Operating Temperature: -55º to +125ºC. performance typically derates per the material specific Permeabilty vs. Temperature or Power Loss vs. Temperature curves.
8) For Inductive and Power components with conformal coatings:
Storage Temperature: -55º to +90ºC
Operating Temperature: -55º to +90ºCperformance typically derates per the material specific Permeabilty vs. Temperature or Power Loss vs. Temperature curves. For thermo-set plastic coating (green or white) above +105ºC the coating softens and can becomes tacky. For parylene coating (transparent) the suggested operating temperature range is -55º to +90ºC.
9) For Inductive and Power components with conductors:
Storage Temperature: -55º to +125ºC, RH < 55%; solderability may deteriorate over time depending upon actual storage/use conditions (-10º to +40ºC is recommended temperature range for maximizing shelf life). Product older than 24 months from manufacture date or last reinspection date may likely have acceptable solderability performance. If needed, solderability can be reevaluated and certified for an additional 24 months by Fair-Rite.
Operating Temperature: -55º to +125ºC. performance typically derates per the material specific Permeabilty vs. Temperature or Power Loss vs. Temperature curves. For customer supplied conductors the operating constraint is dependent on the wire insulation temperature rating.