Standard vs. Non-Standard Parts
Standard parts, as defined by Fair-Rite, are those that appear in Fair-Rite’s catalog and/or website. Parts in Engineering Kits are all standard items. Typically, standard parts are available through Fair-Rite’s distributors. Fair-Rite’s website has a “Check Stock” function which allows users to search for currently available inventory with distributors. The “Check Stock” link is conveniently available in multiple locations on the website and provides inventory quantities and contact information to the appropriate distributors. Standard parts are available direct from Fair-Rite, the current minimum order is $ 500.00 per line item. Catalog Modified parts are standard parts with addition of a coating, the minimum is the same but orders are Non Cancelable, Non Returnable (NCNR).
Non-Standard (Custom)
Non-standard parts consist of non-catalog, customer specific, proprietary and Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) parts. The specifications, quality and manufacturing methods are all determined by the customer for proprietary, PPAP and other customer specific parts. Many non-standard, non-proprietary parts may have been developed for a specific customer requirement but have found utility for more than the original customer. In this case these parts are considered only non-standard, but not customer specific. For these non-customer specific / non-standard items : Fair-Rite controls all manner of specifications, quality and manufacturing methods. For the most part, non-standard parts are made to order, require $ 1500.00 minimum per line item and are NCNR. Some non-standard parts are carried by some distributors as well.
Purchasing and quoting of proprietary and PPAP parts requires a Letter of Authorization from the owner.
Lead Times
Lead time for parts with existing US inventory is two days to ship for approved accounts or credit card payments. Orders for parts with no current US inventory is usually 6-8 weeks after receipt of order (ARO), when a new build is required. Parts produced in Fair-Rite’s Asian manufacturing facilities have a current lead time of 16-18 weeks ARO